Early Launch Thoughts

I thought it an auspicious time to record some thoughts on how I’ll likely develop this website going forward. As with all things involving the future I assume there will be many unseen issues and challenges. I also suspect there will be unimagined opportunities and advancements. Thusly I’m not following a rigid business plan here rather it’s more like a startup company where you have a plan but you keep it adaptable.

That of course leads into what we might call founding principles. Rather the principles that come to mind at launch. I’ve read where studies indicate most startups do fail but of those that don’t they have a flexible, lean, and mean approach as opposed to a highly detailed business plan. Thus I intend to develop this project more organically on the KISS principle: Keep It Simple Stupid. I think one thing to avoid here is making things overly complicated.

That’s not to say that I won’t use ideas from economics, history, business, political science, philosophy or other areas to illustrate my thinking on various things but rather we’ll aim to create something that while it may achieve profundity at times also aims to communicate the profound in a readily usable format.

One way to do this is to write as though every post will be the first post someone reads. From and Intro To Ideas 101 sort of perspective. This should include a wider audience than say writing for an audience already in graduate school level studies. This has the benefit of making things “bite sized” or should we say Byte Sized. Personally I think I like the Byte Sized name for the approach.

So this second post after Hello Worlds! is really the introductory thesis. Then overtime we’ll gradually build on ideas taking into account what has gone before and referencing other thought trees that might be related. Byte Sized posts organized into thought trees seems like a good conceptual framework. No need to go much beyond that given the goal of making this site as accessible as possible.

The practical structure will thus be centered on the established WordPress norms. Tags and Categories coupled with an aesthetic UIX (hopefully). I’m a big fan of Science Fiction so I think the Futuristic SciFi generative images will appropriate.

Along with photography for the photo articles. I envision this being mostly focused things of interest to thinking people but we also need outlets. I’d write about photography from a profession point of view but that’s been in decline since the advent of mass market digital imaging and the advent of very good camera phones. Photography might seem to be an outlier in the context of most of the writing but I come at from the perspective that it’s also acheived a much wider adoption rate than when I first took it up in the 1980s. It has become an everyman/woman pursuit. That’s how I’ll approach it.

Hopefully I find some supporters who find the site and thoughts useful that is the overall objective.



Hello Worlds!

Welcome to Xebodian Chronicles!

The home of XebWeb. XebWeb is my freelancing site for website development and also the home for publishing my thoughts and articles on things like technology, politics, and of course last but definitely not least: Crypto.